
How did you go?  Did you answer the 10 questions?

On 31st December 2013 I posted my blog 10 questions that must be answered before you set your intentions for 2014.

I developed these 10 questions as a constructive way to reflect on 2013 – questions that I have asked of the amazing people I coach, mentor and encourage.  I was amazed at how powerful the process of answering these questions were for my clients and how it changed the way they “rated” 2013 and also on how they would be in 2014.

It became very apparent that I needed to answer the questions myself – to walk my talk – and am I glad I did!

Yes, I sat down… turned my sensitivity meter off, put my ego in my back pocket (which was a little uncomfortable for ego since I was sitting down!), locked up my sensor and answered the questions with brutal honesty and love.

My insights were invaluable – what a rich and rewarding year I had as I transitioned from a predominately head based ego centric way of being to this more heart based intentional world of opportunity and purpose.  I reset some of my intentions for 2014, I became very clear on where my focus should be in terms of my own self development and growth, I elevated my understanding about what is possible for me and I took the time to celebrate the opportunities that had come my way, those exceptional wins and valuable learnings.

I urge you to do the same – to set time aside to reflect and learn from your past year.  It is not about making 2013 look better, or reliving the painful events and the challenges… it is simply seeing 2013 as it was and taking from it what will serve you in 2014.

And, if, as you answer each question… a random thought turns up, follow your thought thread through to the end – it doesn’t matter that it is not entirely relevant to the question – you will be surprised by the insights you will gain.

Click below to read the blog:


Blog - How did you go - image


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